Trailer service

Trailer service is a mode of transportation that transports goods in the form of bulk and LCL, containers, oversized bulk cargo, port trailers, etc. Trailer type: mainly container trailers, then tons, then Hong Kong vehicles, refrigerated vehicles and dangerous goods trailers, to meet the needs of various customer groups of trailer transport.

Scope of service

1, the Pearl River Delta container trailer/crane/freezer/flatbed truck transport business;

2, supervision warehouse and bonded warehouse of ton car delivery, customs clearance, warehousing transportation business;

3. Dangerous goods trailer transport business.

4, domestic transportation, station, loading; Issue bills of lading, freight and miscellaneous charges settlement, express mail domestic and foreign documents; Foreign import declaration, tax payment, unpacking/transshipment, delivery; Handle agency business abroad

Trailer service advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: wide application, high efficiency, flexible and fast; Disadvantages: easy to be affected by natural disasters (floods, snow and ice, etc.), congestion, roads and other factors.
The company has hundreds of trailers, and all equipped with customs approved driver's book and other vehicle approvals, can undertake general trade and customs transport business in Guangdong. Hong Kong ton trailer all types of models (3 tons, 5 tons, 8 tons, 10 tons, 12 tons, 20GP, 40GP, 40HQ, 45GP) complete, can be called more than 100 units a day, in Huanggang port, Man Jindu port, Sha Tau Angle port, Shenzhen Bay port have customs clearance records, at any time to meet customers' car and customs clearance requirements.


China and Hong Kong trailer import process:

1. The goods are transported to Hong Kong by the first carrier and unloaded at CY Yard of Hong Kong Pier.

2. The tow truck department of the Hong Kong company of the first carrier informs the consignee, and agrees on the date of container tow and the settlement of customs declaration;

3. After the import declaration and release to the customs in advance, on the day of delivery or the day before, the trailer company will drag the container to be transported out of CY field (within HKG), cross the border port, and drag the container to the mainland unloading place.

4. Drag the empty container back to HKG and return it to the Depot of the first carrier in Hong Kong to complete the import operation.


China and Hong Kong trailer exit process:

1, Hong Kong trailer according to the instructions of the factory, arrange to tow the empty container to the loading place within the specified date and time.

2, the customer's customs declaration personnel to export customs clearance, after the customs release, and delivered to Hong Kong designated return place.

3. The trailer driver will hand over the dock tail paper to the shipping company. (The tail paper is an important proof for the container to return to the dock, and it is also an important document for taking the sea bill of lading.)

4. The customer shall provide the correct shipping information to the shipping company to make the bill of lading, and the export operation shall be completed after the ship is On Board.

5, the customer (or entrusted trailer company) must timely (15 working days before the ship) to the Hong Kong government truthfully declare.